Displays all the other entities such as arrows and item frames as purple dots (Different types of entities can be disabled in mod settings). Customizable in the settings. Displays items on the map as red dots. Customizable in the settings. Displays players on the map as white dots or player heads. Customizable in the settings. Hostile and friendly mobs can be coloured differently. Displays mobs on the map as yellow dots. An automatic waypoint is created on each death. In-game waypoints. Waypoints will also be visible in-game. Can be teleported to (permission needed). For example, add minimapItemId:minecraft:compass anywhere in the config file to bind it to compass. Option to limit your Minimap usage by binding it to an item that you'll need to have in your hotbar in order for the minimap show up. Compatible with Xaero's World Map and can use the chunks loaded by the world map instead of it's own. 2 colour modes: Vanilla, which uses the colours of vanilla Minecraft maps and Accurate, which uses the colours of block textures. Fair-play version does not display any entities or cave maps which is more suitable for public PVP servers. Aesthetic and look of vanilla Minecraft. Using it in your modpacks is ALLOWED as long as a link to one of my mod pages is provided and you do not profit from it (Curse modpacks are OK though).
You are allowed to make videos using this mod. You can place waypoints. The minimap also displays entities, such as players, mobs and items. There are 2 mod editions, full and fair-play (designed for multiplayer).
There is a toggle to make it lock north and not rotate. It's also the first rotating square minimap for Minecraft. Unlike many other minimap mods, Xaero's minimap keeps the aesthetic of vanilla Minecraft which might even make you forget that it was a mod in the first place.